Ohio State Trappers Association - Volunteer Information
Est. 1940 - The nation's third oldest trapper association


OSTA Fur Auctions
The OSTA holds three fur auctions yearly. For information and prices from our sales, see our Results
The Ohio State Trappers Association depends on our volunteers to provide successful events and training workshops. We can't say enough great things about our volunteers, as they are what keeps our association going strong. 

OSTA wants to make sure you get credit for your volunteer hours. To do this, we need to know about them! Please use the form below to submit your hours to us online. If you'd like to mail your hours, please use our Special Forces Hours Mail-In Form 

Copyright©2011-2024 OSTA, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Website by Hawk Mountain Designs


Volunteers are always needed at every OSTA event. Contact one of your directors to determine how you can best serve the OSTA.
Special Forces Hours Online Submission

March 8, 2025: OSTA Fur Auction, Kidron, OH

March 15: OSTA Banquet, Waldo OH

March 29: Region C Meet, Washington Court House OH

April 12: Region B Meet, Cambridge OH

April 27: OSTA Board Meeting, Galloway OH

May 3: Region A Meet, Ada OH

September 5-6: OSTA Convention, Atwater OH
